Planning ahead, for the Futuristic, Fantasy & Paranormal chapter of Romance Writers of America:
June 7 – July 4, 2021
How to Build a Super-Heroine
Why is building a super-heroine so different from building a super-hero? Depends on the story you want to tell, right? How do we build a super-heroine? Someone specifically female, someone with powers and skills, not just somebody’s girlfriend. This workshop looks at the concept of the super-heroine, its origins, and how you can build your own unique one, not just a super-hero in a bra.
December 6, 2021 – January 2, 2022
Faeries & Dragons Along the Silk Road and Beyond: The Quiz Show!
Everywhere you look around the world, there’s something about dragons and faeries, all shapes and sizes, different kinds all. The names may change and the situations may change, but whatever you call them, dragons and faeries have been both kind and mischievous, good and evil, sometimes a symbol of order and sometimes of chaos. How much do you know about dragons and faeries? To find out, here’s a sorta-quiz. Check out how much you really know!